Hikmah Puasa Ramadhan

Pada bulan suci ramadhan terdapat banyak hikmah dan manfaat bagi umat yang menjalankan. Bahkan Hikmah dan manfaat bisa diluar apa yang kita bayangkan. Di waktu sebelumnya saya telah memposting artikel yang isinya adalah hikmah shalat tarawih.

Disini saya akan memberi sedikit pengetahuan tentang Hikmah Puasa Ramadhan.

" Wahai orang-orang yang beriman ! Diwajibkan kepada kamu puasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan atas orang-orang yang sebelum kamu,supaya kamu menjadi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. "


PUASA menurut syariat ialah menahan diri dari segala sesuatu yang membatalkan puasa (seperti makan, minum, hubungan kelamin, dan sebagainya) semenjak terbit fajar sampai terbenamnya matahari,dengan disertai niat ibadah kepada Allah,karena mengharapkan redho-Nya dan menyiapkan diri guna meningkatkan Taqwa kepada-Nya.

RAMAHDAH bulan yang banyak mengandung Hikmah didalamnya.Alangkah gembiranya hati mereka yang beriman dengan kedatangan bulan Ramadhan. Bukan sahaja telah diarahkan menunaikan Ibadah selama sebulan penuh dengan balasan pahala yang berlipat ganda,malah dibulan Ramadhan Allah telah menurunkan kitab suci al-Quranulkarim,yang menjadi petunjuk bagi seluruh manusia dan untuk membedakan yang benar dengan yang salah.

Puasa Ramadhan akan membersihkan rohani kita dengan menanamkan perasaan kesabaran, kasih sayang, pemurah, berkata benar, ikhlas, disiplin, terthindar dari sifat tamak dan rakus, percaya pada diri sendiri, dsb.

Meskipun makanan dan minuman itu halal, kita mengawal diri kita untuk tidak makan dan minum dari semenjak fajar hingga terbenamnya matahari,karena mematuhi perintah Allah.Walaupun isteri kita sendiri, kita tidak mencampurinya diketika masa berpuasa demi mematuhi perintah Allah s.w.t.

Ayat puasa itu dimulai dengan firman Allah:"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman" dan disudahi dengan:" Mudah-mudahan kamu menjadi orang yang bertaqwa."Jadi jelaslah bagi kita puasa Ramadhan berdasarkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan.Untuk menjadi orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah kita diberi kesempatan selama sebulan Ramadhan,melatih diri kita,menahan hawa nafsu kita dari makan dan minum,mencampuri isteri,menahan diri dari perkataan dan perbuatan yang sia-sia,seperti berkata bohong, membuat fitnah dan tipu daya, merasa dengki dan khianat, memecah belah persatuan ummat, dan berbagai perbuatan jahat lainnya.Rasullah s.a.w.bersabda:

" Bukanlah puasa itu hanya sekedar menghentikan makan dan minum tetapi puasa itu ialah menghentikan omong-omong kosong dan kata-kata kotor. "

(H.R.Ibnu Khuzaimah)

Beruntunglah mereka yang dapat berpuasa selama bulan Ramadhan, karena puasa itu bukan sahaja dapat membersihkan Rohani manusia juga akan membersihkan Jasmani manusia itu sendiri, puasa sebagai alat penyembuh yang baik. Semua alat pada tubuh kita senantiasa digunakan, boleh dikatakan alat-alat itu tidak berehat selama 24 jam. Alhamdulillah dengan berpuasa kita dapat merehatkan alat pencernaan kita lebih kurang selama 12 jam setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu dengan berpuasa, organ dalam tubuh kita dapat bekerja dengan lebih teratur dan berkesan.

Perlu diingat ibadah puasa Ramadhan akan membawa faaedah bagi kesehatan
rohani dan jasmani kita bila ditunaikan mengikut panduan yang telah ditetapkan, jika tidak maka hasilnya tidaklah seberapa malah mungkin ibadah puasa kita sia-sia sahaja.

Allah berfirman yang maksudnya:

" Makan dan minumlah kamu dan janganlah berlebih-lebihan sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan. "


Nabi s.a.w.juga bersabda:

" Kita ini adalah kaum yang makan bila lapar, dan makan tidak kenyang. "

Tubuh kita memerlukan makanan yang bergizi mengikut keperluan tubuh kita. Jika kita makan berlebih-lebihan sudah tentu ia akan membawa muzarat kepada kesehatan kita. Boleh menyebabkan badan menjadi gemuk, dengan mengakibatkan kepada sakit jantung, darah tinggi, penyakit kencing manis, dan berbagai penyakit lainnya. Oleh itu makanlah secara sederhana, terutama sekali ketika berbuka, mudah-mudahan Puasa dibulan Ramadhan akan membawa kesehatan bagi rohani dan jasmani kita. Insy Allah kita akan bertemu kembali.

Allah berfirman yang maksudnya: " Pada bulan Ramadhan diturunkan al-Quran
pimpinan untuk manusia dan penjelasan keterangan dari pimpinan kebenaran
itu, dan yang memisahkan antara kebenaran dan kebathilan. Barangsiapa menyaksikan (bulan) Ramadhan, hendaklah ia mengerjakan puasa. "


Semoga kita bisa mendapatkan Hikmah Puasa Ramadhan dari Allah SWT dan kita bisa mendapatkan kemenangan di hari lebaran nanti. AMINNNNNNN :)

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. :)


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Photoscape is an amazing free photo editor. It includes so many filters, tools and special effects you'll find it hard to believe it's actually free.

Photoscape includes just about everything you need to view, optimize, edit, print and have fun with your photos. In fact, it's so complete that many would call it a free Photoshop alternative. Sure, it's not quite up to the level of Photoshop, but it's truly a great alternative to Adobe's big shot - and it makes photo editing a lot more fun!

One of the first striking elements in Photoscape is its uncommon interface design. From the program's main window you can choose what you want to do: view pictures, optimize those that didn't come out so well, print several photos on a single page collage-style or perhaps add any of the dozens of filters and special effects included in the program.

Other extra tools featured in Photoscape are a file renamer, a color picker, a screen capture tool and even a RAW converter.

Features Photoscape :

Viewer : View photos in your folder, create a slideshow
Editor : resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming, clone stamp
Batch Editor : Batch edit multiple photos
Page : Merge multiple photos on the page frame to create one final photo
Combine : Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo
Animated GIF : Use multiple photos to create a final animated photo
Print : Print portrait shots, carte de visites(CDV), passport photos
Splitter : Slice a photo into several pieces
Screen Capture : Capture your screenshot and save it
Color Picker : Zoom in on images, search and pick a color
Rename : Change photo file names in batch mode
Raw Converter : Convert RAW to JPG
Paper Print : Print lined, graph, music and calendar paper
Face Search : Find similar faces on the Internet

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Photo Pos Pro Photo Editor offers powerful tools and functions which include among other things Support of many picture file types, Support of scanners and digital cameras, Advanced Image Enhancing and editing tools and functions, Tools for creating Computer Graphics Design, Rich Text Tools, Special Effects, Selection Tools, Layers & Masks, Gradients, Patterns and Texture, Script Tools, Batch Operations and also The Ability to expand the software yourselves!

Though the Photo Pos Pro Photo Editor is a powerful program, it contains an extremely user-friendly interface enabling you to work intuitively. If you are a beginner you can easily begin to use the program in an intuitive fashion. The program offers beginning users a Help system which they can follow step by step into the wonderful world of Digital Picture Enhancement. With the Help system, you can turn from a beginner to a professional user.

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Manfaat Susu Kedelai

Susu kedelai beberapa tahun yang lalu mungkin merupakan minuman yang populer, namun kini bisa dikatakan susu kedelai mulai memiliki peminat yang cukup banyak. Susu kedelai sendiri kini sudah mulai merambah ke berbagi tempat pemasaran, mulai dari di dalam bus kota yang penyajiannya seadanya saja dengan hanya di bungkus plastik sampai dengan mal-mal dalam kemasan yang lebih eksklusif.

Sebenarnya apa sih yang menyebabkan perkembangan konsumsi Susu Kedelai sedemikian pesatnya, kemudian apa saja manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari konsumsi susu kedelai?

Sejak zaman dahulu kacang kedelai dikenal sebagai salah satu makanan yang memiliki tingkat protein nabati sangat tinggi. Tidak hanya itu, kacang kedelai terutama yang sudah diolah menjadi susu kedelai ternyata memiliki kandungan gizi yang tidak kalah, bahkan memikili kandungan yang jauh lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan susu sapi biasa.

Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan oleh beberapa pakar gizi, susu kedelai sangat dianjurkan untuk dijadikan sebagai pengganti susu formula untuk bayi di atas 4 bulan karena terbukti lebih aman dari bakteri jahat yang bisa menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pada bayi.

Nilai nutrisi yang terkandung dalam susu kedelai antara lain :

1. 38% Protein nabati (protein kedelai)
2. 18% Lemak tak jenuh
3. 15% Serat
4. 15% Karbohidrat
5. Mineral lainnya seperti :
-*- Kalsium yang sangat berguna untuk pertumbuhan dan kekuatan tulang
-*- Isoflavon yang dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan mencegah kanker
-*- Lecithin membantu meningkatkan daya ingat dan mencegh terjadinya penyakit Alzheimer's
6. Vitamin seperti Vitamin D, Vitamin E dan Vitamin B

Perbandingan Susu Sapi dan Susu Kedelai

Dari gambar di atas bisa kita lihat, ternyata susu kedelai memiliki manfaat yang luar biasa, bahkan bila dilihat dari nilai nutrisinya, susu kedelai memiliki manfaat yang lebih baik untuk kesehatan daripada susu sapi biasa.

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With a new, streamlined user experience, you can focus on the Web sites you love with a clean look that integrates seamlessly with Windows 7. A robust set of built-in security, privacy, and reliability technologies keep you safer and your browsing experience uninterrupted. For Web developers, support for HTML5 and modern standards architected to take advantage of the graphics processing unit (GPU) means that the same markup not only works across the Web, but runs faster and delivers a richer experience through Windows and Internet Explorer 9.

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Serangan Keyloggger bisa menjadi serangan yang sangat berbahaya. Hal ini karena keylogger mampu mencuri username, password, dan informasi penting lainnya dengan cara merekam huruf yang diketikkan oleh pengguna komputer. Ada banyak sekali software anti logger seperti Zemana Antilogger dan antilogger software lainnya. Namun, ada juga cara paling mudah dan gratis untuk melindungi diri dari serangan keylogger: menggunakan virtual keyboard atau yang lebih sering disebut “on-screen keyboard” saat mengetikkan username, password dan informasi penting lainnya.

Pengguna komputer tidak perlu menginstall software tambahan untuk bisa menggunakan virtual keyboard. Di Windows 7 sudah tersedia fasilitas on-screen keyboard. Cukup ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini untuk menggunakan virtual keyboard di windows 7 anda :

1. Menu Start lalu ketik osk.exe

2. Sebuah virtual keyboard akan terbuka dan siap digunakan. Pengguna bisa menggunakannya untuk mengetikkan username dan password dari akun bank, paypal, dan akun penting lainnya.

Menggunakan On-Screen Keyboard ini merupakan cara termudah untuk melindungi diri anda dari serangan keylogger tanpa menginstall dan menggunakan software tambahan. Namun demikian, menggunakan software antilogger seperti Zemana Antilogger bisa memberikan proteksi yang lebih baik.

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OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
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RAM: 256MB (512MB atau di atas direkomendasikan)
Hard Disk Gratis: 30MB untuk instalasi (50MB atau di atas direkomendasikan)

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AVG Internet Security 2011 + Key

The bottom line : Although AVG has flagged a little in the past few years, AVG Internet Security 2011 breathes some new life into one of the most popular security programs around with a shorter install, better usability, and faster scans.

Review :

The never-ending mantra chanted by security suite vendors sounds a lot like "faster scans, easier to use, better performance," and AVG has released a new version that it says accomplishes all three. Certainly, the scans are faster, it does install more quickly, and some tweaks to the interface have made it easier to use. However, changes to the engine that powers the detection and removal of threats has made it hard to come to a conclusion until independent labs return their efficacy results later this year.

The new AVG Internet Security 2011 has sped up its installation process, although it's not as zippy as the minute-long installations that some of AVG's competitors offer. We found that the program can go from completed download to ready to use in about 5 minutes. Gains might have been made elsewhere, but a big contributing factor to that is that AVG has cut down the number of install screens users see, from 13 in the previous version to 5 in the 2011 version.
AVG's toolbar is still an opt-out feature. It also will commandeer your default search engine for Yahoo, so if you don't want it to do that, you'll have to uncheck the box that changes your search engine, too. Also unchanged is registration, which is a free process and can be completed from within the AVG interface. Users who opt out of installing the toolbar but want it later will need to rerun the installer to get that component.

The changes to AVG's interface in the 2011 version are minor but actually improve usability quite a bit. The top and left navigation sections have been redecorated with light text on a dark background, although the main controls in the center of the window retain their standard black text on a white background. The safety status icon at the top of the interface has been simplified and made larger.

A new one-click Fix button for automatically repairing security breaches appears at the top along with the old red X when your system safety has been compromised. It disappears when your system gets a clean bill of health. Joining the one-click Update button on the side nav this year is a one-click Scan Now button. There's a cleaner look to the nav, as well, with bigger fonts and timestamps for the most recent scan and most recent update. For those not familiar with the interface, AVG has placed icons for its security components in a central pane. Double-click on one to access more information and basic configuration settings for each specific tool. Advanced settings are available under Tools on the menu bar at the top of the window.
The new interface changes are small, no doubt, but they do make AVG easier to use.

Features and Support :

AVG Internet Security 2011 has some new protective features this year, too. The software offers what it calls "smart scanning," which leverages AVG's behavioral detection network to scan known safe files once, and only rescan them if it detects changes. As with its competitors, AVG's network is made up of its user base anonymously contributing data up to the cloud. You can choose to opt out of contributing your data when you install, or from the options menu. AVG says opting out won't negatively affect your security.

The smart scanning tech also gives you a built-in system resource manager that prioritizes scans. If a scan is scheduled to begin while the computer is in use, it will automatically restrict the scan so that it runs slower but doesn't interfere with the computer's other tasks. When it detects the computer idling, it will then allocate more power to the scan. The feature comes with a slider so you can customize how sensitive it is.

Conclusion :

AVG Internet Security 2011 continues to offer an excellent if not perfect level of security as it faces more intense competition from other free and paid security suite makers. Users who trust AVG Free will appreciate that the premium product does its best to make it worth your while to upgrade, but unless you're regularly in need of support and PC tuning, it's hard to justify paying when the efficacy ratings are less than stellar.

To download AVG Intenet Security 2011 please click Download

Keistimewaan Shalat Tarawih

Shalat Tarawih merupakan shalat sunnah yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadan. Setiap kali masanya tiba, berduyun-duyun masjid menjadi penuh selepas waktu Isya. Namun apa sebetulnya manfaat dan janji Allah yang dimaktubkan dalam Shalat Tarawih ?

Sebuah hadits diriwayatkan dari Ali bin Abi Thalib R.A, bahwa suatu hari Rasullullah SAW ditanya oleh sahabatnya, tentang keistimewaan shalat tarawih pada bulan Ramadan. Maka Rasullullah SAW bersabda : " Siapa yang melaksanakan shalat tarawih pada " :

Malam ke-1 :
Terlepaslah ia dari dosa-dosanya seperti ketika ia baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya.

Malam ke-2 :
Allah swt memberi pengampunan kepadanya dan kepada kedua orang tuanya jika keduanya mukmin (orang yang beriman)

Malam ke-3 :
Malaikat berseru dari bawah Arsy ; mulailah beramal semoga allah swt mengampuni dosa-dosamu yang telah lalu.

Malam ke-4 :
Mendapatkan pahala sama dengan pahala membaca Taurat, Injil, Zabur, dan Al-Furqon (al Quran)

Malam ke-5 :
Allah memberi pahala kepadanya seperti pahala orang yang shalat di Masjid Alharam (masjidil haram) di Makkah,masjid Nabawi di Madinah dan masjid Al Aqsha di Palestina.

Malam ke-6 :
Allah akan memberi pahala seperti pahala orang yang tawaf di-baitul mamur, dan batu-batu serta tanah liat memohonkan ampun untuknya. (subhanallah sungguh luar biasa, batu dan tanah yang kita injak selama ini,ternyata bisa memintakan ampunan kepada Allah untuk kita).

Malam ke-7 :
Seakan-akan dia berjumpa nabi Musa a.s kemudian menolongnya dari Kerajaan Firaun dan Hamman.

Malam ke-8 :
Allah memberikan kepadanya, apa yang pernah Allah berikan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s

Malam ke-9 :
Dia menjadi seperti seorang hamba Allah yang beribadah kepadanya seperti ibadahnya seorang nabi.

Malam ke-10 :
Allah memberikan anugerah kepadanya,berupa kebaikan dunia dan kebaikan akhirat.

Malam ke-11 :
Maka ia akan meninggal dunia dalam keadaan seperti bayi yang baru lahir (meninggal dengan tanpa membawa dosa /husnul khotimah)

Malam ke-12 :
Pada Hari Kiamat, Anda akan bangkit dengan muka cemerlang seperti bulan.

Malam ke-13 :
Pada Hari kiamat, Anda akan bebas dari ketakutan yang membuat manusia sedih.

Malam ke-14 :
Para malaikat memberi kesaksian shalat tarawih anda, dan Allah tidak menghisab anda lagi.

Malam ke-15 :
Anda akan menerima shalawat dari para malaikat, termasuk malaikat penjaga Arsy dan Kursi.

Malam ke-16 :
Anda akan mendapat tulisan “Selamat” dari Allah, anda bebas dari surga, dan lepas dari neraka.

Malam ke-17 :
Allah akan memberi pahala kepada anda sesuai pahala para nabi.

Malam ke-18 :
Malaikat akan memohon kepada Allah agar anda selalu mendapat restu.

Malam ke-19 :
Allah akan mengangkat derajat anda ke Firdaus (surga yang tinggi)

Malam ke-20 :
Diberikan pahala kepada anda sesuai pahala para syuhada dan shalihin.

Malam ke-21 :
Allah akan membuatkan sebuah bangunan dari cahaya untuk anda disurga.

Malam ke-22 :
Anda akan merasa aman dan bahagia pada hari kiamat, karena Anda terhindar dari rasa takut yang amat sangat.

Malam ke-23 :
Allah akan membuat sebuah kota untuk Anda di dalam surga.

Malam ke-24 :
Allah akan mengabulkan 24 permohonan Anda selagi Anda masih hidup di dunia.

Malam ke-25 :
Anda akan bebas dari siksa kubur.

Malam ke-26 :
Allah akan derajat amal kebaikan Anda sebagaimana derajat amal kebaikan Anda selama 40 tahun.

Malam ke-27 :
Anda akan secepat kilat bila melewati Siratalmustakim nanti.

Malam ke-28 :
Anda akan dinaikkan 1.000 kali oleh Allah di dalam surga kelak.

Malam ke-29 :
Allah akan memberi pahala kepada Anda seperti Anda menjalani ibadah haji 1.000 kali yang diterima Allah.

Malam ke-30 :
Allah menyuruh kepada Anda untuk memakan semua buah di surga, minum air kausar, mandi air salsabila (air surga), karena Allah Tuhan Anda, dan Anda hamba Allah yang setia.

SUBHANALLAH. . . . .shalat tarawih memang mengandung banyak pahala jika kita mau melaksanakannya..,mari kita melaksanakan shalat tarawih agar kita sehat,menyempurnakan ibadah puasa dan mendapatkan pahala dari Allah SWT.aminnnnn

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7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. Check license information here : 7-Zip License

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* For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
* Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
* Self-extracting capability for 7z format
* Integration with Windows Shell
* Powerful File Manager
* Powerful command line version
* Plugin for FAR Manager
* Localizations for 79 languages

7-Zip works in Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003 / 2000 / NT / ME / 98.

There is a port of the command line version to Linux/Unix. On 7-Zip's Source Forge Page you can find a forum, bug reports, and feature request systems.


Irfan View 4.30 Photo Editing

Irfan View is image viewer and editor is a longtime favorite among our staff, and with good reason. Irfan View Photo Editing is simple, fast, and free for individual use. Upon installation, the app attempts to install two Google programs, but you can opt out.

The program lets you open and edit images, as well as multiple media formats. You can cut and crop images, apply batch conversions, add, sharpen, or blur effects, create panoramas, and change color modes easily. The program continues to add support for an array of file formats and has plug-in support for most image, video, and sound formats, including MP3, AVI, audio CD, and WMA. The interface is far from fancy but should be easy enough for most users to figure out. An IrfanView Thumbnails shortcut on the desktop offers an Explorer-like file tree that quickly displays all images in a particular folder. The latest version includes a basic drawing palette made accessible by hitting F12. It contains simple Erase, Draw, Fill, Rotate, Draw an Arrow, and Color Picker commands, perfect for grabbing screenshots and highlighting image specifics.

Operating systems :

* Windows 7
* Windows 2003
* Windows Me
* Windows 98
* Windows 2000
* Windows Vista
* Windows NT
* Windows XP
* Windows Server 2008

To download Irfan View 4.30 Photo Editing please click Download

Free Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.08 Full Version + Crack + Keygen

Only a couple weeks since the latest version of Internet Download Manager, IDM 6.07 Full version 2011 launched, now there's a good news for you because you can upgrade to the latest version of Internet Download Manager, IDM 6.08 Full version plus Serial Number + Crack + Keygen.

This new updates of Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.08 brings you to a better performance and more improvement rathher than the previous versions of IDM. Now you can download more music files, video, mp3, even 5 times faster and to fix bugs. It is better for you to download this IDM 6.08 version to make your download proces even better than before. You now can doanload for free of IDM 6.06 full version + Serial Number + Crack + Keygen in this blog.

To download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.07 please click Download

To download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.08 please click Download

Materi Workshop Photoshop

Untuk mendownload E-Book ini silahkan klik Download Materi Workshop Photoshop

How to Remove Acne Scars and Easy to Do

This is the way that I get from browsing on the internet and from my own. So, hopefully can help you in dealing with acne scars that are still upon you.

The way is :

1. Going to sleep, wash your face with warm water, then apply evenly on face Caladine. Tip of the index finger (about 1 cm diameter) each - one in the left cheek, right cheek, forehead. So there are 3 parts.

2. Sleep about 6-8 hours.

3. Wake wash face with warm water. But, I usually wash my face pake "skin refiner: pore minimizer" from L'oreal. I think, wore just enough warm water.

4. Activities as usual + wash your face every time plasticity oily and dirty. Usually the afternoon and evening clean again, clean water is important. Can also pake facial cleansing (if I pake ovale masculine, because I cowo)

5. Not eat eggs, indomi, beans, chicken (unfortunately, but the influence bgt) helps prevent acne. I also eat less chilli. (said the doctor, eating chili stimulates acne, but I still eat chili, so sometimes like acne, although very rare).

6. If I ride motorcycles, he wore a helmet that covered.

7. Clean the face as best he could wear clean water, I'd suggest not wearing plumber, even if I was willing to use bottled water (aqua gallons), let me be effective.

8. Plus advice (sports, etc., I think can help.)

Cara Menyulap Blog Menjadi Mesin Uang

Untuk mendownload E-book Cara Menyulap Blog Menjadi Mesin Uang silahkan klik disini

Diner Dash Full Version

Play the chart-topping time management blockbuster that launched the Dash craze! Help Flo, Diner Dash's iconic heroine, grow her fledgling diner into a five-star restaurant in this fun, action-oriented and highly addictive game that is sure to bring out the entrepreneur in everyone!

Seat, serve and turn tables in this game of skill, speed and savvy. Delight your eager customers by providing quick service to earn big tips. Soothe impatient guests with coffee before they get angry and skip out on the bill! Try it on your computer, download it to your iPhone, or play it free on Facebook, and see why Diner Dash has captivated millions of fans around the world.

* Play 50 addictive and challenging levels
* Unlock 5 restaurants, from roadside diner to five-star bistro
* Meet 5 different quirky customer types
* Follow Flo's story in Career Mode or rack up a high score in Endless Shift
* Now in Deutsche, Français and Español

System Requirements :

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
600 Mhz or faster processor
128 MB RAM
16 MB hard disk space
DirectX 6.0 or higher

To download Free Diner Dash please click Free Download Diner Dash Full Version

Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Pengunjung Blog

Untuk download E-book Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Pengunjung Blog silahkan klik disini

Free Download PDFzilla

PDFzilla is very suitable for us to convert PDF file to Word file. PDFZilla greatly help us in terms of converting PDF files into Word. PDFZilla recommended for beginners who want to be able to convert PDF files into Word easily

Powerful PDF To Word Converter :

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> Over 20 Languages Supported - Besides English, PDFZilla Also supports German, French, Spanish, Italian and all Unicode Language PDF Files.

> Batch Mode - Convert More Than 10,000,000 PDF Files to Word Documents at One Time.

To download Free PDFzilla please click Download PDFzilla

Cara Membuat Video Sendiri ( Video Movie Maker )

Untuk mendownload E-book Cara Membuat Video Sendiri ( Video Movie Maker ) silahkan klik disini

How to Speed Up Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer makes heavy use of the cache. The cache is where your browser stores Temporary Internet Files. These files get downloaded to your computer when you visit Web pages and are supposed to speed up browsing whenever you visit the same website in the future. Anyway, that’s the theory. The reality is a bit harsher. While the cache is designed to speed up browsing, it can actually do quite the opposite and slow down Internet Explorer. On top of that, a bloated cache can take up tons of your disk space, which will decrease overall computer performance.

Here is how you can clean it up :

1. Open Internet Explorer and press Ctrl+Shift+Del
2. Check the relevant checkboxes. I recommend selecting Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and History. Deleting cookies and browsing history will help you protect your privacy by removing sensitive information about your computer usage. It will also free up some additional space
3. Click on the Delete button
4. Close the browser

You can also configure Internet Explorer to delete Temporary Internet Files automatically every time you close the browser. This handy option is very easily enabled :

1. Open Internet Explorer and click on the Tools button and select Internet Options
2. Navigate to the Advanced tab
3. Find the Settings list and scroll down to the Security section
4. Check the Empty Temporary Internet Files Folder When Browser is Closed option
5. Click OK and you’re done

May be useful for you..... :)

Flash Speed 200% for Modem

Flash Speed 200% is an Internet accelerator that help you optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more. The software changes some Windows settings to give you faster performance, and optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more according to your computer. It support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster. Increase your download speeds

* Easy to use
* Optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more
* Support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster
* Increase your download speeds
* Very easy and friendly interface

To download Flash Speed 200% please click Free Download Flash Speed 200%

IObit Unlocker

Often when we try to delete a file or folder in Windows, we see annoying messages like "Cannot delete file : Access is denied" or "Cannot delete folder : It is being used by another person or program" or "There has been a sharing violation" or "The source or destination file may be in use" or "The file is in use by another program or user" or "Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use" or "Cannot read from the source file or disk". This is majorly because the file or folder is being used by another program or user. IObit Unlocker is an ideal tool for such conditions. It releases the file or folder from being occupied by programs and allows you to quickly remove or modify the file or folder.

To download IObit Unlocker please click Free Download IObit Unlocker

Free Template for Blog

Features :

Instructions : Template Settings / How to use this template

Template author : Creative Blogging Ideas

Description : Google Plus is a free blogger template with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, minimalist and neutral colors.
Excellent layout for blogs about internet.
Download Google Plus for free in BTemplates.

Rating : 3.0 out of 5 based on 26 bloggers.

Please click here to download Google Plus Template

Features :

Instructions : Template Settings / How to use this template

Template author : ChicaBlogger

Description : Game Strike is a free blogger template with 2 columns, left sidebar, grunge style, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns and twitter support.
Excellent layout for blogs about games.

Rating : 3.6 out of 5 based on 9 bloggers.

Please click here to download Game Strike Template

Please click here to download Yoko Template

To install the template above, please follow the instructions and please download the Unzip to activate the file you've downloaded.

To download the Unzip please click here

How to Create E-Book

To download please click here

Naruto Shippuden Episode 222

To download this video please click Download Naruto Shippuden 222

Cara Membuat E-Book

Untuk download silahkan klik disini

Naruto Shippuden Episode 221

To download please click Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 221

Naruto Shippuden Episode 220

To download the video please click Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 220

Logo Design Software ( AAA LOGO )

Installation Instructions :

The download and installation of AAA Logo will take only a few minutes! If prompted when downloading, choose to Save the file to a folder on your computer. Once the download of AAA Logo setup file is complete open the file (double-click on it) and run setup, follow the installer on-screen instructions to complete installation

System Requirements :

Operating System : Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Memory : 512Mb or more recommended
CPU : Pentium processor minimum
Free hard drive space : 50Mb

To download AAA LOGO please click here
Arba Wahyu Sejati. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

Selamat Datang di Rumah Visual Kami

Salam hangat dari penulis bagi para pembaca :)
Semoga bisa saling berbagi ilmu

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