Crow Draw

Crow Draw is one of the software used to create 3D animations or movies. Crow Draw can also be used to make various 2D that can be applied anywhere. Crow Draw is very helpful in the movies.

Draw Crow generated animation is very attractive and elegant. With Crow Draw you can express your heart's content into an artwork or images.

To download please click here

Google Chrome 5 Beta

Google Chrome Beta 5 has been released and it is the fastest beta today for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The new beta release is 30% better performance and faster than previous beta versions.

Chrome Addons 5 Beta also includes several new features such as:

* Ability to synchronize bookmarks not only but also the browser preferences (theme, homepage, browser settings) on multiple computers using your Google Account.
* Now you can install and use Chrome extensions while in incognito mode (private browsing mode).
* Added new HTML 5 features: Geolocation, application cache, web socket, and drag-and-drop file capabilities.
* Bundle Adobe Flash Player plug-in with Chrome.
* Chrome now remembers the zoom setting for each site.
* Bookmark management is now open in a tab as an HTML page.
* Now you can reorder the extensions you want.

Now you can download Google Chrome 5 Beta. Please click here to download.

IObit Malware Fighter 1.11 Final

IObit Malware Fighter is a malware & spyware removal utility that detects advanced, erasing the deepest infections, and protects your PC from a variety of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms, and hijackers. With a unique engine "Dual-Core" and the heuristic malware detection, IObit Malware Fighter detect the most complex and deepest spyware and malware in a very quick and efficient.

Improved Features:

# Improved Detection Machine
# Improved interface
# Improved Real-time Protection
# Updated the definition
# Fixed General Bugs

To download please click Download IObit Malware Fighter 1.11 Final

Antivirus Scanner Online #2

In previous articles I have written some online antivirus scanners can be used online and for free. Here I will add Antivirus Online Scanner that you can use for free.

1. Filterbit

Filterbit uses 10 antivirus engines and you can use to scan the file size to 20 Mb. File scanners are less popular when compared to the Chief or Jotti's Virus Scan Malware, but Filterbit very useful for scanning the file size fairly large.

To use Filterbit please click here

2. VScan

Vscan scanners is an online file with multiple antivirus engines made ​​by NoVirusThanks. Vscan use 24 kinds of antivirus engines and you can use to scan files up to size 20 Mb.

To use vscan please click here

3. Garyshood Virus Scanner
Garyshood Virus Scanner uses only five antivirus engines include F-Prot, Antivir, BitDefender, AVG and ClamAV. You can scan files up to size 10 Mb.

To use Garyshood Virus Scanner please click here

File scanners you can use to check the file you just downloaded or other files that you suspect contains a virus. File scanner allows you to check a file by using many antivirus engines at once to convince you whether the file is actually safe or not.

Antivirus Scanner Online #1

Today there are many kinds of antivirus with a variety of features and the different technologies. In scanning the file, of course, the best and most accurate way is to check with all the antivirus technology. But it certainly can not be done by installing all types of antivirus on our computers. The way you can do is to use an online file scanner that has multiple antivirus engines.

Here is an online scanner with multiple antivirus engines that you can use :

1. Virus Total
Virus total is an online file with multiple antivirus scanners are the most popular engines. The virus has a total of 40 antivirus engines to scan the file you upload. You can upload file size to 20 Mb.

To use the Virus Total please klik disini

2. VirSCAN
VirSCAN file scanner uses 37 antivirus engines and limit the files that you upload up to size 20 Mb. This is the second best option after Virus Total file scanner.

To use please VirSCAN click here

3. Jotti’s Malware Scan

Jotti’s Malware Scan is an online file scanner is already very popular. Jotti's Malware scan has 20 antivirus engines to check the files you upload. You can upload files up to size 10 Mb.

To use Jotti's Malware Scan please click here

4. Virus Chief

Virus Chief uses 13 antivirus engines to scan to your file. File scanners limit the files that you upload to about 10 Mb.

To use the Virus Chief please click here

May be useful....

NovaPDF Lite 7.4 Edition

NovaPDF Lite 7.4 very useful to create, share, and collaborate on PDF documents. This software is a kind of PDF converter software but with many additional features such as merge PDF, embedding fonts, import and export profile, as well as reduce the size of PDF files.

Follow the following ways NovaPDF Lite 7.4 to get it for free :

1. Visit the site NovaPDF

2. Fill in the blank form with your data then click the button “Send”.

3. Log in to check your email and open email from novaPDF. You'll find details of the registration NovaPDF Lite 7.4 you there.

4. Download installer NovaPDF Lite 7.4 here

5. Install and Enable NovaPDF Lite 7.4 with the license that you get.

May be useful for you.
Arba Wahyu Sejati. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

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