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AVG Internet Security 2011 + Key

The bottom line : Although AVG has flagged a little in the past few years, AVG Internet Security 2011 breathes some new life into one of the most popular security programs around with a shorter install, better usability, and faster scans.

Review :

The never-ending mantra chanted by security suite vendors sounds a lot like "faster scans, easier to use, better performance," and AVG has released a new version that it says accomplishes all three. Certainly, the scans are faster, it does install more quickly, and some tweaks to the interface have made it easier to use. However, changes to the engine that powers the detection and removal of threats has made it hard to come to a conclusion until independent labs return their efficacy results later this year.

The new AVG Internet Security 2011 has sped up its installation process, although it's not as zippy as the minute-long installations that some of AVG's competitors offer. We found that the program can go from completed download to ready to use in about 5 minutes. Gains might have been made elsewhere, but a big contributing factor to that is that AVG has cut down the number of install screens users see, from 13 in the previous version to 5 in the 2011 version.
AVG's toolbar is still an opt-out feature. It also will commandeer your default search engine for Yahoo, so if you don't want it to do that, you'll have to uncheck the box that changes your search engine, too. Also unchanged is registration, which is a free process and can be completed from within the AVG interface. Users who opt out of installing the toolbar but want it later will need to rerun the installer to get that component.

The changes to AVG's interface in the 2011 version are minor but actually improve usability quite a bit. The top and left navigation sections have been redecorated with light text on a dark background, although the main controls in the center of the window retain their standard black text on a white background. The safety status icon at the top of the interface has been simplified and made larger.

A new one-click Fix button for automatically repairing security breaches appears at the top along with the old red X when your system safety has been compromised. It disappears when your system gets a clean bill of health. Joining the one-click Update button on the side nav this year is a one-click Scan Now button. There's a cleaner look to the nav, as well, with bigger fonts and timestamps for the most recent scan and most recent update. For those not familiar with the interface, AVG has placed icons for its security components in a central pane. Double-click on one to access more information and basic configuration settings for each specific tool. Advanced settings are available under Tools on the menu bar at the top of the window.
The new interface changes are small, no doubt, but they do make AVG easier to use.

Features and Support :

AVG Internet Security 2011 has some new protective features this year, too. The software offers what it calls "smart scanning," which leverages AVG's behavioral detection network to scan known safe files once, and only rescan them if it detects changes. As with its competitors, AVG's network is made up of its user base anonymously contributing data up to the cloud. You can choose to opt out of contributing your data when you install, or from the options menu. AVG says opting out won't negatively affect your security.

The smart scanning tech also gives you a built-in system resource manager that prioritizes scans. If a scan is scheduled to begin while the computer is in use, it will automatically restrict the scan so that it runs slower but doesn't interfere with the computer's other tasks. When it detects the computer idling, it will then allocate more power to the scan. The feature comes with a slider so you can customize how sensitive it is.

Conclusion :

AVG Internet Security 2011 continues to offer an excellent if not perfect level of security as it faces more intense competition from other free and paid security suite makers. Users who trust AVG Free will appreciate that the premium product does its best to make it worth your while to upgrade, but unless you're regularly in need of support and PC tuning, it's hard to justify paying when the efficacy ratings are less than stellar.

To download AVG Intenet Security 2011 please click Download

Keistimewaan Shalat Tarawih

Shalat Tarawih merupakan shalat sunnah yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadan. Setiap kali masanya tiba, berduyun-duyun masjid menjadi penuh selepas waktu Isya. Namun apa sebetulnya manfaat dan janji Allah yang dimaktubkan dalam Shalat Tarawih ?

Sebuah hadits diriwayatkan dari Ali bin Abi Thalib R.A, bahwa suatu hari Rasullullah SAW ditanya oleh sahabatnya, tentang keistimewaan shalat tarawih pada bulan Ramadan. Maka Rasullullah SAW bersabda : " Siapa yang melaksanakan shalat tarawih pada " :

Malam ke-1 :
Terlepaslah ia dari dosa-dosanya seperti ketika ia baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya.

Malam ke-2 :
Allah swt memberi pengampunan kepadanya dan kepada kedua orang tuanya jika keduanya mukmin (orang yang beriman)

Malam ke-3 :
Malaikat berseru dari bawah Arsy ; mulailah beramal semoga allah swt mengampuni dosa-dosamu yang telah lalu.

Malam ke-4 :
Mendapatkan pahala sama dengan pahala membaca Taurat, Injil, Zabur, dan Al-Furqon (al Quran)

Malam ke-5 :
Allah memberi pahala kepadanya seperti pahala orang yang shalat di Masjid Alharam (masjidil haram) di Makkah,masjid Nabawi di Madinah dan masjid Al Aqsha di Palestina.

Malam ke-6 :
Allah akan memberi pahala seperti pahala orang yang tawaf di-baitul mamur, dan batu-batu serta tanah liat memohonkan ampun untuknya. (subhanallah sungguh luar biasa, batu dan tanah yang kita injak selama ini,ternyata bisa memintakan ampunan kepada Allah untuk kita).

Malam ke-7 :
Seakan-akan dia berjumpa nabi Musa a.s kemudian menolongnya dari Kerajaan Firaun dan Hamman.

Malam ke-8 :
Allah memberikan kepadanya, apa yang pernah Allah berikan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s

Malam ke-9 :
Dia menjadi seperti seorang hamba Allah yang beribadah kepadanya seperti ibadahnya seorang nabi.

Malam ke-10 :
Allah memberikan anugerah kepadanya,berupa kebaikan dunia dan kebaikan akhirat.

Malam ke-11 :
Maka ia akan meninggal dunia dalam keadaan seperti bayi yang baru lahir (meninggal dengan tanpa membawa dosa /husnul khotimah)

Malam ke-12 :
Pada Hari Kiamat, Anda akan bangkit dengan muka cemerlang seperti bulan.

Malam ke-13 :
Pada Hari kiamat, Anda akan bebas dari ketakutan yang membuat manusia sedih.

Malam ke-14 :
Para malaikat memberi kesaksian shalat tarawih anda, dan Allah tidak menghisab anda lagi.

Malam ke-15 :
Anda akan menerima shalawat dari para malaikat, termasuk malaikat penjaga Arsy dan Kursi.

Malam ke-16 :
Anda akan mendapat tulisan “Selamat” dari Allah, anda bebas dari surga, dan lepas dari neraka.

Malam ke-17 :
Allah akan memberi pahala kepada anda sesuai pahala para nabi.

Malam ke-18 :
Malaikat akan memohon kepada Allah agar anda selalu mendapat restu.

Malam ke-19 :
Allah akan mengangkat derajat anda ke Firdaus (surga yang tinggi)

Malam ke-20 :
Diberikan pahala kepada anda sesuai pahala para syuhada dan shalihin.

Malam ke-21 :
Allah akan membuatkan sebuah bangunan dari cahaya untuk anda disurga.

Malam ke-22 :
Anda akan merasa aman dan bahagia pada hari kiamat, karena Anda terhindar dari rasa takut yang amat sangat.

Malam ke-23 :
Allah akan membuat sebuah kota untuk Anda di dalam surga.

Malam ke-24 :
Allah akan mengabulkan 24 permohonan Anda selagi Anda masih hidup di dunia.

Malam ke-25 :
Anda akan bebas dari siksa kubur.

Malam ke-26 :
Allah akan derajat amal kebaikan Anda sebagaimana derajat amal kebaikan Anda selama 40 tahun.

Malam ke-27 :
Anda akan secepat kilat bila melewati Siratalmustakim nanti.

Malam ke-28 :
Anda akan dinaikkan 1.000 kali oleh Allah di dalam surga kelak.

Malam ke-29 :
Allah akan memberi pahala kepada Anda seperti Anda menjalani ibadah haji 1.000 kali yang diterima Allah.

Malam ke-30 :
Allah menyuruh kepada Anda untuk memakan semua buah di surga, minum air kausar, mandi air salsabila (air surga), karena Allah Tuhan Anda, dan Anda hamba Allah yang setia.

SUBHANALLAH. . . . .shalat tarawih memang mengandung banyak pahala jika kita mau melaksanakannya..,mari kita melaksanakan shalat tarawih agar kita sehat,menyempurnakan ibadah puasa dan mendapatkan pahala dari Allah SWT.aminnnnn

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Arba Wahyu Sejati. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

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