Cara Mempercepat Loading Blog

For those of you who have blogs, may perform in ways to make your blog more interesting and nice to be visited by many readers. From the start of installation images that pleasing the eye, to use a script that was able to make your blog load heavier and longer.

A bad performance like that it's not increasing the number of visitors and friends broggol that will read your blog, but one by one may be leaving the blog that you have painstakingly created.

Following steps - steps to speed up loading the blog :

1. Reducing the amount of use of images. The use of images will greatly affect the access speed of a blog, this is because the capacity for a single file can reach a few kilobytes (Kb) and can calculate how long it takes to download an image file only.

2. Classify and separate parts of the contents into perhalaman. It is very important because these tips are meant for both the main page or commonly referred to as an indirect index page showing the entire contents of the blog.

3. Reduce moving banner. Maybe this was our habit to exchange banners, but it would be helpful to separate them in certain parts of our size and zooming out again.

4. And the last one and would need to be considered is part of the paraphernalia or items supporting such Linklist, Profile, ShoutBox, etc. should be hidden in the menu list. This means that these items into a submenu from the menu above.

Hopefully Helpful.

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Arba Wahyu Sejati. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

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