Benefits and Efficacy of Sleep Day

In general, people must have known about the benefits of napping, be it a benefit for the children nap or a nap for health benefits including benefits of naps for adults.

The study said that napping could also prove to sharpen memory. But, of course not arbitrary nap. And here is a clue about the quality of the nap.

1. 10 Minutes
Nap for 10 minutes directly eliminates the rigidity and improve the workings of the brain for at least 2.5 hours. Meanwhile, if only 5 minutes, it's useless.

2. 20 Minutes
The advantage will increase your reaction speed in doing math work. But, of course, the effect is not imminent. At least it took 35 minutes to neutralize the brain condition after waking from sleep.

3. 30 Minutes
Initially you will feel sleepy, but for 5 minutes then you will be more alert and mentally fresh for as long as 90 minutes. However, sleeping for 10 minutes is better, to avoid the unpleasant effects of too much sleep.

4. 45-90 Minutes
During the 45-90 minutes, you're headed toward a deep sleep, but without completing the full cycle of sleep. "Your body will feel worse after waking, compared to before bed," said Dr. W. Christopher Winter.

5. 90-110 Minutes
"The average sleep cycle of less than 90 minutes, the ideal time for a nap in a long time. If a nap is more than that time, possibly a sign of sleep disorders," said Dr. Winter.

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